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Growing the seeds of awareness

Here's one of my core beliefs in what I do and why I do it: we need to fertilize the ground of our conversations with humanness so that the topics we want to plant like seeds can grow and turn into action.

Making our lifestyle on earth more sustainable is one of the core challenges of our times. Bringing this topic closer to our hearts is therefore crucial. And conversations beyond sectors indispensable.

Monday's online event "Radical Change vs. More of the Same?" by the Network for Business Sustainability together with the Institute for Business and Professional Ethics at DePaul University & WU STaR Competence Center brought up a lot of deeply human topics and conversations about how to combine business and sustainability:

Amongst many other great speakers, Christoph Thun-Hohenstein in conversation with Tima Bansal called for radical imagination through arts - as arts can help us see the future in another light. In her conversation with Markus Scholz, Marie Ringler knew that we need to work on several different solutions - so that we can find our way into the right ones. And one of the most touching conversations was with Fairphone founder Bas van Abel and founder Theresa Imre, both outstandingly successful social entrepreneurs who reminded us with their very personal stories that sustainability also means to make sure to sustain your own wellbeing.

It's after conversations like these that I am once more optimistic that the seeds of awareness for the importance of topics like sustainability will keep on growing and turn into more and more action.

Some of the ideas, captured in drawings by the fantastic graphic recorder Markus Engelberger (


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